Positive connection



 Care Action Macao Public welfare Seminar

After leading a delegation to visit and research elderly care services in Macao in 2020, Jiang Dan, the Director of the Development Center of the Chinese Red Cross Foundation, returned with another delegation this year to further engage and exchange ideas with Care Action Macao and other charity organizations in Macao over the course of several days, deepening their understanding of the public welfare sector in Macao.

Macau New Year mountaineering Campaign

The "Macau New Year mountaineering Campaign" was held in early January jointly organized by Care Action Macao, Associação dos Viajantes de Macau, Associação de Juventude San Ngai de Macau, and the Macau Sai Chung Ko Mountain Climbing Association. The activity attracted 50 participants. In the morning, they went to Xiangshan Lake Park in Zhuhai and hiked on Cloud Road. In the afternoon, they went to Wanchai and climbed Garin Mountain.

Visit the town of Sika Deer to know how to help the poor

In January 2021 , to enhance awareness of domestic public welfare project, Macao Overseas Chinese Returners Association and Care Action Macao organization ordinary to Liaoyuan City, Dongfeng county, Jilin province, examining "There is a deer under Changbai Mountain" public welfare adoption program. Aaron Iu, Executive Vice President of Care Action Macao, and Henry Ip, Vice President of Care Action Macao participated in the visit tour.

IC2 Inclusive healthy and sustainable on World Earth Day


the Business Development Center of Red Society of China visited Macao

Jiang Dan, Director of the Business Development Center of Red Society of China, visited Macao on December 17, 2020 to investigate elderly care services. They visited Kiang Wu Hospital Charitable Association, Macau Tung Sin Tong Charitable Society, Pou Tai and the Asilo de Felicity.


澳門展現真我協會(下稱 「展現真我」)和誠品國際有限公司於2020年11月14日合辦“IC2得成愛心”慈善步行,以籌募會務發展經費,以作定期為會員提供多類型培訓交流、興趣展能,構建和諧生活環境,活動近300人報名參與,近四十個單位合作,澳門樂善行理事長馮國康、常務副理事長蔡偉平、財務梁小俄、青委鄧家齊以及數名樂善之友亦參與其中,並向展現真我致送澳門幣一萬元,以助推動該會發展


成功與飛躍 孫甜甜、林東作分享

成功與飛躍 孫甜甜、林東作分享 編輯小組 為慶祝澳門回歸祖國十九周年,澳門青年聯合會牽頭,由澳門樂善行及50餘青年社團在科學館共同主辦,於12月17日晚上7:30舉辦“2018澳門各界青年慶祝澳門回歸祖國十九周年”,活動邀得世界著名退役網球運動員孫甜甜、中國牛肉乾大王林東演講,並由澳門著名退役武術運動員賈瑞主持分享會。 澳門各界青年活動組織委員會代表、澳門青年聯合會會長莫志偉致辭後,孫甜甜分享退役後積極投入公益活動,林東則分享創業之路,他們勉勵年青人多作嘗試,吸收經驗。澳門樂善行副理事長蔡偉平及伍英傑出席活動,認為活動除了能吸收成功經驗外,還能團結本澳各青年社團,很有意思。



中聯辦新春酒會共建繁榮 編輯小組 澳門中聯辦於1月28日假澳門旅遊塔舉行「己亥年新春酒會」,與澳門社會各界人士共同迎接新春佳節。澳門中聯辦主任傅自應和副主任張榮順、姚堅、孫達、薛曉峰率全體工作人員向澳門同胞致以新春祝福。澳門特區行政長官崔世安,外交部駐澳門特派員公署特派員沈蓓莉,解放軍駐澳部隊司令員徐良才、政委周吳剛,以及特區政府主要官員等近2000人出席酒會。 中聯辦主任傅自應發表題為《促進澳門與祖國內地共同繁榮發展的道路越走越寬廣》致辭,表示新的一年對澳門來說具有特殊意義,澳門即將迎來回歸祖國20周年,特區政府將完成換屆,澳門的發展將進入新階段,迎來新機遇。澳門樂善行羅盛宗會長惜因公務會議未能出席,而何子傑副會長、蔡偉平常務副理事長、伍英傑副理事長亦應邀出席,與各友好團體諩面,己亥年繼續攜手為弱勢群團作一分力。 更新日期: 2019年3月